Peaches by Jodi Lynn Anderson 🍑

Hello lovely readers,

Today, I want to present a special review about the series Peaches by Jodi Lynn Anderson. I’m not a contemporary book’s lover though I truly love this trilogy. Composed by three books: Peaches (2005), The Secrets of Peaches (2007) and Love and Peaches (2008), the series is a beautiful story about three different girls, a story full of friendship, love and peaches.


About the books

One summer, three (completely) different girls and a summer job in a peach orchard in Georgia. It sounds pretty cool. Birdie, Leeda and Murphy must work together without knowing each other but with the help of the Georgian sun, the peaches, the love interests and some personal issues, they become the best friends they needed without knowing it.


What mattered was stil there. That was what they all felt, and what surprised them all. What mattered couldnt be shaken.”


The story begins with the creation of a particular bond between Birdie, Leeda and Murphy, and it’s why the first book is my ultimate crush. I literally fell in love with this book and the atmosphere. When I opened Peaches, I felt like I was in the peach orchard with the sun on my shoulders with my dearest friends by my side. I really appreciate to associate books with seasons and an atmosphere. It’s why Peaches reminds me the warm of summer, the sun, the smell of fruits and friendship.


The best parts of life are the things you can’t imagine.”


To be honest, I was afraid to read the second and final books. I didn’t want to be disappointed. But as a brave person, I took my books and read them!  And… I fell in love again. The second and third books are quite different from the first book, I found them sad and nostalgic. And the final book really came straight to my heart and feelings. Even if I cried like a baby, it was a good conclusion.


About the characters

To me, the characters are pure gold.


Loyalty was a funny thing. So was love. They both bit you when you least expected it.”


I like to think that Birdie is the main character because she’s obviously the heart of the trio. I must admit that Birdie is really special. She’s kind, brave and pure. She is the friend everyone dreams to have and to be.

Murphy’s character is really interesting, she’s the one who surprises me every time. I love her personality: funny, strong, impetuous and at the end you discover the big heart she has.

Leeda is the one that touched me directly. Her story with her family who doesn’t love her for herself is sad to read. I love the fact that she grew up and assumed who she really is and her friends. To me, she is the best evolution in this series (and my little favorite if I can say…).


The moment slipped away, but because it wasn’t perfect, it was the most perfect one she could remember having”


It’s really difficult to choose a favorite character because I’m a fan of all three together. I love how they grow up despite the obstacles, as individuals and as friends. It’s weird because, when at the beginning, they are in the same place and don’t talk to each other and I thought something was missing. I found this friendship realistic even if the characters are really specific and different. They’re unique as their friendship and it’s beautiful.

To conclude, I obviously recommend this lovely peachy books. I know that this series is not everyone taste but I’m sure someone out there will love this series as much as me. It’s sweetdelicioustouching and lovely. Those books are full of joy, sun, peachesfriendship, love and family. It’s a pure good moment.

♥ Characters’ aesthetics on Pinterest 

About the series ♥ Birdie ♥ Murphy ♥ Leeda


What's next

So what to read after Peaches? GOOD QUESTION.

If you liked the author’s style, you can pick one of her other books:

OR you can trust me and start another trilogy about three other girls Evie, Amber and Lottie and read all about their Spinster Club (A FEMINIST CLUB!!!):

Rox ♥

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